Horses and Friends 5- Rebel Horse Rescue by Miralee Ferrell

Horses and Friends 5- Rebel Horse Rescue by Miralee Ferrell

Author:Miralee Ferrell [Ferrell, Miralee]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Tags: YA, E
Publisher: Mountain Brook Ink
Published: 2016-10-10T04:00:00+00:00

The kids coasted their bikes to a halt fifteen minutes later in front of Mrs. Maynard’s house. Kate knew it was fifteen minutes because Jake had set the timer function on his watch, determined to know exactly how long the trip would take. He claimed if he had to go more than an hour without food, he’d probably die. Or expire, as he’d put it. She tried not to snicker. She really liked Jake, but he still took some getting used to. She blew out her breath as they all parked their bikes, hoping Mrs. Maynard was fine.

Parked on the grass, they all looked at one another, and no one moved. Kate swatted at a pesky fly. “I guess we should have talked about what we’d say before we got here. We don’t want to scare her. Do we pretend we only came to visit and drop off cookies, or—”

A voice came from the back corner of the house. “Why would you need to pretend? So you didn’t come to visit or bring cookies?” Mrs. Maynard’s wrinkled face was lit by a soft smile, but her hands were planted on her hips in a no-nonsense gesture.

Tori rushed to the older woman and wrapped her arms around her shoulders in a quick hug. “Of course, we came to visit! We love coming to see you.” She waved toward Kate. “And yes, we brought cookies. Mrs. Ferris sent them.”

“Ah, so what was all that I heard about pretending? Is something going on that I need to know about?” She tucked her hand through the crook of Tori’s arm and led her back toward Kate and her friends.

Melissa cleared her throat and looked from one to the other. “Well, there might be. That is, we aren’t exactly sure.”

Jake answered in a high-pitched chirp. “We think someone might be spying on you.”

Colt groaned and grabbed Jake around the neck in a friendly headlock. “Jake! We were going to think about what to say, not just blurt it out.” He released Jake with a grin. “Sorry for grabbing you. But hey, you might be the only one with any smarts. We do need to be honest with Mrs. Maynard.”

Jake grinned. “My brother Jerry grabs me all the time, but he does a lot worse than that, so it’s cool.” His glasses had slipped clear to the tip of his nose, so he shoved them up. “But watch the specs after this, huh? Mom will kill me if I break another pair and she has to replace them again. The next pair will come out of my allowance. Not good. Horrible, in fact. Awful. Atrocious—”

Colt held out his arm, and Jake ducked. “Right. Got it. Time to be quiet. Yep. No problem.” He clamped his hand over his mouth. “Sorry.”

Colt laughed, and even Mrs. Maynard joined in. She raised her brows and faced Kate. “So, cookies first, and then you can explain why you came to visit and why you think someone might be spying on me.


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